Brand Manager,Brand Planner,Brand Specialist

Electro devices pvt ltd Develop and execute marketing strategies.Build brand image for clients products or services.,Create and drive advertising campaign to clients products.....

Electro devices pvt ltd Bengaluru ₹ NA 2-7Y JobType object (1)
Job Description
  • Develop and execute marketing strategies.Build brand image for clients products or services
  • Create and drive advertising campaign to clients products and services
  • Develop product awareness among consumers
  • Promote retail promotions of clients products
  • Develop strategic program enhancements for clients products and services
  • Research and monitor competitive activities and marketing trends
  • Build and maintain relationships with clients in-house advertising, marketing and sales team
  • Build relationships with research organizations, advertising agencies and product promotional houses
Job Summary
Develop and execute marketing strategies.Build brand image for clients products or services.,Create and drive advertising campaign to clients product