Full Stack Developer / Architect

Career Maker For 3-6 years (One or more of each), , Cloud : AWS, Azure, Heroku, Openshift, , Frameworks/Containers : Spring (Java), Flask (Python), DJango (Pytho.....

Career Maker Bengaluru ₹ NA 5-10Y JobType object (1)
Job Description
  • For 3-6 years (One or more of each), , Cloud : AWS, Azure, Heroku, Openshift, , Frameworks/Containers : Spring (Java), Flask (Python), DJango (Python), NodeJS, , Databases : MongoDB, Cassandra, MySQL, Postgresql, Arora,, , Frontend : HTML5, React JS, VueJS, Angular JS/Angular, Jquery,, , Development/Testing process/Tools : Agile, XP, CI/CD, TDD & BDD, Junit, Mockito, JMeter, Jbehave, Cucumber, , Conceptual : SOA, Microservice, ACID (SQL DBs), Design Pattern, , DataStructures :, , Operating System : Linux, Windows, , , Scripting : Bash, Csh, awk, , , Languages : Java, Python, JavaScript, , , For 5-10 years (Along with above category, One or more of each), , , IaaS/PaaS/Containers : Openstack, Kubernetes, docker, Mesos, Cloudfoundry, IBM Bluemix, , , Messaging : RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Kafka, , , Conceptual : CAP theorem, Cloud/Distributed computing patterns, NoSQL, Reactive patterns, Security (Authentication & , , Authorization), APIGateway, Loadbalancer, Service discovery, , , Algorithms : Analysis of algotithims, Searching and Sorting, , , Big Data : Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Storm, Data Lake, ETL, , Operating system# : iOS, Android, , Languages : C/C++, SQL, Any other. , A 
Job Summary
For 3-6 years (One or more of each), , Cloud : AWS, Azure, Heroku, Openshift, , Frameworks/Containers : Spring (Java), Flask (Python), DJango (Pytho